MacBook Reparatur Service Berlin


Various hardware problems can occur through daily use of a MacBook, the reasons are diverse.

Could be that your MacBook  was dropped or bumped into something.

Perhaps your hard disk(HDD/SSD) is making klicking noises or freezes completely?

Or the W-LAN connection is very weak or possibly doesn’t work at all.

These generally well-known problems  fall under the Hardware Problems category, which mostly happen through Mac use:

  • the HDD/SSD-cable is damaged  
  • the MacBook battery does not charge
  • Some keyboard keys no longer function properly   
  • the Trackpad does not react or skips repeatedly 
  • the sound of the Mac is weak or barely audible

All these factors can greatly reduce the performance of your MacBook.

As a specialised MacBook Repair-Service , RepMac eliminates these problems in no time and ensures that you can use your Mac freely.

Please click here for a complete overview of our services.

Defective hardware is not always the cause of problems with the MacBook

A defect is not always the reason why a MacBook does not function properly.

Sometimes, the given hardware is just obsolete.

The working storage capacity is limited , the hard disk speed is insufficient or the fan is full of dust.  

Often, a thorough cleaning and replacing of some parts are all that is really needed to solve the problem with your MacBook

The RepMac team will consult with you about your wishes and requirements.This will enable us to offer you the best possible customized and efficient solutions.

Your complete satisfaction with your MacBook and our service is of the utmost importance.

Together, we will plan the necessary steps to get your favourite MacBook up and running.  


Please visit our shop or call us during opening hours to give an idea of the problem .

You will be warmly received by our attentive team of experts.

We will assuredly and quickly find an advantageous solution for you.

